About Caroline S. Hilliard.
I have always loved reading and immersing myself in different worlds. Recently I have discovered that I also love writing. Stories have been playing in my head for as long as I can remember, and now I’m taking the time to develop some of these stories and write them down. Spending time in a world of my own creation has been a surprising enjoyment, and I hope to spend as much time as possible writing in the years to come.
I’m a self-published author, meaning that I can write what I want and when I want. I primarily write for myself, but hopefully my stories can brighten someone else’s day as well. The characters I develop tend to take on a life of their own and push the story in the direction they want, which means that the stories do not follow a set structure or specific literary style. However, I’m a huge fan of happily ever after, so that is a guarantee.
I’m married and the mother of two teenagers. Life is busy with a fulltime job in addition to family life. Writing is something I enjoy in my spare time.